Sometimes, I try something that is not original, yet somewhat new to my breakfast repertoire, and all of a sudden I'm obsessed with it. This tends to happen often, case in point my green smoothie obsession which has lately subsided, but I still get cravings for, if I go longer than four days without one.
A few weeks ago I decided to buy plain Greek yogurt, which is different than the nonfat vanilla yogurt or fruity greek yogurt which are part of my routine. I know, straying from my comfort zone... ooooh! Well, buying this plain Greek yogurt was the best thing ever because the first night I ate it for dessert. Just as you see it above, with homemade granola (recipe available here) sans dried fruits, toasted almond slices honey AND mini yogurt chips. OH so yummy!
However, Greek yogurt for dessert is apparently not an original idea. We went to Pinkberry on Sunday night and guess what "new product" they're serving? Yes, Greek yogurt with a choice of dessert-like toppings. I guess it's too late to create my own Greek yogurt dessert shoppe if Pinkberry is already on the ball!
It's OK Pinkberry, my career aspirations aren't crushed. I'll just stick to Greek yogurt for breakfast at home and inexpensive Greek yogurt "dessert" in the comfort of my own home.
So here you have it. My breakfast of champions for the last two weeks and running. It really does taste awesome because of the contrast between crunchy homemade granola and thick, creamy yogurt. I dare you to give it a try! I even got Nene (Bebe E's big sis) to eat a bowl for dessert last night, but perhaps this was because we were out of ice cream... My husband, on the other hand, won't go near Greek yogurt. He says he'll stick to Yoplait.