Green Chicken Enchiladas, Game 2

Green Chicken Enchiladas, Game 2

  Today, I was chatting with a girlfriend online and she told me that my recent food posts haven’t “wowed” her. This made me giggle. What can I say, our family eats regular, home cooked fixin’s, and my blog is our “family’s ordinary cookbook”. :) It’s actually quite funny that my girlfriend told me that she wasn’t “wowed” just after I posted Zesty Italian Sausage Hash, because...

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Moms Lasagna with Meat Sauce, Game 1

Moms Lasagna with Meat Sauce, Game 1

The past week bebe dada’s been full of dinner requests.  I can tell he needs a break from all the Japanese food I’ve been cooking and he needs to be rewarded for the vegetarian dinner he lived through (post forthcoming), as well as the vegetarian dinner leftovers he ate. I got it, hun!  You’re craving hearty family favorites (with meat). The other night he wanted Italian sausage hash, and when I mentioned lasagna because we...

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Zesty Italian Sausage Hash & Babies

Zesty Italian Sausage Hash & Babies

  Some nights for dinner, I must indulge bebe dada and cook whatever he chooses to bring home from Costco.  Yesterday, he found Zesty Italian Sausage (7 sausages in 1 pack, sold in a 2 pack carton for $8), a huge carton of button mushrooms for $4 and a bag of bell peppers (2 each of yellow, orange and red) for $6… Bebe dada was happy to find some good value items. You’re probably wondering what we were going to do with 14 giant...

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Spreading the Sunshine

Earlier in the week, I received a wonderful surprise.  My day started out as usual getting bebe E ready for the day, then checking my inbox.  That’s when I found a lovely surprise!  My friend, Liv, from Egg Wan’s Eastern Food Odessey gave me the Sunshine Award! The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world. I am very honored and humbled to receive such a lovely...

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Green Onion Pancakes

Green Onion Pancakes

I had a rare craving for green onion pancakes and decided to make this for my lunch.  Perhaps not the healthiest lunch, but I did try to make this with whole wheat flour.  That didn’t turn out so well, but if anyone has any tips on how to make this with whole wheat flour – by all means, please let me know!  So I had to dump that (a waste, I know – felt guilty – hate to waste food), and make a second batch using white...

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Chicken Corn Curry with Fried Egg

Chicken Corn Curry with Fried Egg

  At our house, chicken corn curry night always starts with rotisserie chicken from Costco.  If we eat rotisserie chicken for dinner one night (we had Game 3 Salsa with chicken tacos over the weekend), everyone knows that chicken corn curry night is in the near future. As I mentioned before, I love Costco rotisserie chicken because it’s tasty, cost-effective, and most importantly – it’s convenient!  It also freezes well,...

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Strawberry Shortcake Cookies for Mothers Day

  When I was younger, I loved to bake.  I didn’t care to cook and help my mom make “regular meals”, but I loved to bake cookies. My good friend, AJ, in elementary school lived down the street from me and every Friday we had a play day, each week alternating whose house we would go to. On Fridays where we played at her house, we always baked chocolate chip cookies.  We never strayed from this routine.  She had a pool in...

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Avocado Salsa: Its a Winner, Game 3!

Avocado Salsa: Its a Winner, Game 3!

  I love Spring!  Flowers are in bloom, birds are singing in the morning, days are longer, air is warmer…AND the Lakers are in the Playoffs.  Spring absolutely rocks when the Lakers are on the road to the Championships! Born and raised in Los Angeles, I am a hard-core Laker fan.  Always have been, always will be.  Lakers play a huge role in the social events of my family and friends.  When all of my friends lived nearby, Laker...

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