SPAM Musubi
Recipe type: Appetizer, Snack
  • 1 can SPAM Lite
  • Nori Komi Furikake rice seasoning
  • 3 tablespoons shoyu (soy sauce)
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 to 4 cups rice
  • Sushi nori (seaweed)
  1. Cook rice and let cool to warm or room temperature.
  2. Mix shoyu and sugar until sugar is mostly dissolved.
  3. Slice SPAM into 8 or 9 slices.
  4. Heat a large pan over medium heat and lay SPAM on pan side-by-side. Pour about 1 tablespoon shoyu mixture onto each slice of SPAM and spread to cover the entire slice. Pour a little bit of the mixture into the pan. Let cook for about 4 minutes on each side or until desired "burntness". I usually cook them until they are brown and crisp, just before they turn black.
  5. When you flip the SPAM slices over, pour a little bit more of the shoyu mixture over each slice.
  6. After the SPAM is cooked, let cool to room temperature.
  7. Cut sushi nori in half,lengthwise. WET the musubi-maker with water (both pieces: the box piece and the lid piece).
  8. Lay a large piece of plastic wrap over a cutting board, lay a piece of seaweed down then place the musubi-maker at the top edge of the seaweed.
  9. Add about 2 to 3 tablespoons of rice in the bottom of the musubi-maker. I use only a little bit of rice because I don't like it to be too "ricey."
  10. Sprinkle a layer of the furikake over the rice. I use the furikake generously as it adds good flavor to the SPAM musubi.
  11. Lay a piece of SPAM into the musubi-maker, and sprinkle another layer of furikake over the meat.
  12. Add another layer of rice on top of the furikake. Make sure the "lid" piece of the musubi-maker is WET and put on top of the rice, inside the "box" piece of the musubi-maker.
  13. Then press the lid through the box, while sliding the box upwards, essentially pushing the musubi out of the bottom of the musubi-maker.
  14. Gently peel-off the lid of the musubi-maker.
  15. Fold the seaweed over the musubi and tuck under the bottom. To seal it, I line the edge of the seaweed with water and press it to "glue" it down.
  16. To make the next SPAM musubi, you must wash off all the rice and seaweed residue from both pieces of the musubi-maker for the next musubi to be "clean-looking" and so that you won't get frustrated with the sticky rice. I just rinse with warm water.
  17. While the musubi's are typically sold in one long rectangular piece, I tend to cut them in half when serving them at home or for parties. For a clean-cut, use a very sharp knife and WET, and clean the blade with warm water before slicing. Repeat before cutting each one: wash and clean knife.
Recipe by Bebe Love Okazu at