Metrics to Units & Oven Temperature Conversion

Posted by on September 18, 2012 in Blog, Tools | Comments Off on Metrics to Units & Oven Temperature Conversion

In the past when referring to international cookbooks, I found it helpful to have a handy metrics to units conversion chart, as well as a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion table. This is a tool that I used to offer on my old blog, but due to limited menu space I opted to remove this page, but now I share this with you in a post! For me, it has always come in handy so I thought it might be helpful to others as well. Just bookmark this post!

Metric to Units Conversion Chart

Japanese cookbooks differ from U.S. cookbooks in that they use the metric system. Below are selected ingredient conversions that I found useful in the past.

Note: “Kosaji” (in Japanese) is equivalent to 1 teaspoon and “Oosaji” (in Japanese) is equivalent to 1 tablespoon.

 Oven Temperature Conversion Chart